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About Us

Established in 2005, KR OTIS provides staff augmentation and IT consulting capabilities to clients who desire to gain and maintain their competitive edge through technology.

KR OTIS has established a good client base by providing services to some of the most successful companies in the United States. KR OTIS services clients in a diverse group of industries ranging from manufacturing to financial services, from mid-size companies to the Fortune 500.

Since the inception, KR OTIS has achieved tremendous success both in terms of client and consultant retention. Our consultants consistently report high levels of satisfaction in their current assignments. In turn, they give our clients an extremely high performance level resulting in greater customer satisfaction.

Be a premier provider of complete information technology solutions and staff augmentation to top IT corporations.
Provide on-time, on budget, quality service to our business partners and consistently exceed their expectations.
Inspire personal and professional growth in our people through innovation and creativity. Earn the trust of our customers and the respect of our employees through exceptional teamwork, good business ethics, and a high level of commitment.

Our IT staff augmentation services can address your special and seasonal demands and help you minimize the cost involved in hiring permanent employees. We provide you qualified and experienced personnel suitable for your requirements.

This offshore team is set up with an unmatched combination of resources, highly skilled individuals, and an advanced infrastructure. We provide you a direct and uninterrupted access to these resources to assign tasks and to streamline the resources to suit your processes and reporting methodologies. To ensure optimal productivity we take care of managing the development process by looking after the entire team.

Largely companies who wish to outsource the process of IT staff augmentation have their concerns over the functional ability/productivity of the teams or individuals deployed. We address this concern with a well-structured recruitment process delineated by experienced recruiters and IT professionals.

We implement a comprehensive screening process which begins with sourcing prospects from our own robust database, networks and from other relevant sources, short list them using stringent selection procedures and at the end carry out necessary background checks, from the previous employer and character reference check, etc to validate critical information cited by the candidate.

  1. Integrity
  2. Respect
  3. Collaboration
  4. Empowerment
  5. Responsibility